(619) 852-6985

Rape and Felony Rape Laws

Consequences of a Rape Conviction

Rape is considered a felony and if convicted, the defendant could face severe consequences including, but not limited to:

  • Imprisonment

  • Loss of certain rights

  • Mandatory registration as a sex offender

  • Compulsory HIV/AIDS testing

  • Court ordered rehab

  • Large fines

Rape & Felony Rape Laws

Rape is one of many sex crimes that are taken very seriously in a court of law. Rape refers to any form of sexual conduct forced on a person against their will through means of violence, menace, duress, fear of injury or other danger, and more.

In essence, rape is a non-consensual sexual activity, which means that if an alleged victim is unconscious and cannot give consent to the sex act, then he/she could claim they were raped.

Rape cases may be complex because of a number of mitigating circumstances including false accusations, media attention, and more. If you have been accused of rape, it is extremely important to seek legal counsel to ensure your rights and interests are fully protected. Please contact me today to evaluate your case FREE of charge and determine the best course of action for you.